Terms and Conditions

Please read all terms and conditions carefully and cautiously while registering on Happyjeevansathi.com and only proceed if you agree with these.

Important Point:

Please go through the user agreement properly before you sign up for any service provided by Happyjeevansathi.com. When you use any services within Happyjeevnsathi.com, all of these are herein in respect of mentioned to accumulatively as the "Website" you have to consent with all the terms and conditions as the agreement between the users and Happyjeevansathi.com. If you are not comfortable or disagree with these terms and conditions, then you should not proceed to register. By using this website you must agree to be obligate by this agreement along with all the amendments.

Agreement for the users:

This Agreement shapes the users' agreement with Happyjeevansathi.com regarding the use of this website by the users. Users have to accede to obey all of the terms and conditions of this agreement. Here on this website "we" and "us" means Happyjeevansathi.com or any successor or associates of Happyjeevansathi.com seized in this agreement to worth or remain an authorized user of this website

Agreement of the website:

Right to Use:

The right to use this website by the users is subject to any restrictions, circumstances, conditions, and limitations introduced by Happyjeevansathi.com at times, in our absolute penetration. Happyjeevansathi.com may deflect, holds halts any prospect of this website according to requirement, including the emergence of any prominence or feature of this website, information, database, or content. Happyjeevansathi.com may also induct limitations on particular features and perspectives of this website or constrict the users' access to any particular portion of this whole website without any compulsion.

Agreement of the website:

While using this website the users must enact, represent, and covenant that they must be legally competent and of legal marriageable age as per the laws of India, that is at least 18 for women and 21 for men.

Happyjeevansathi.com only promotes individual & personal advertisement for lawful marriage coalitions between those who are legally eligible to engage in matrimony laws. Membership will be invalid if not competent with these conditions.

When you using the site, you enact, agree, and warrant that you have the compliance, right, authority, and legal competence to accept this agreement. You must submit all your related information and documents and also declare that you are not forbidden or repelled by any relevant law or by any order from any court or by other competent authority preventing you from getting into matrimony.

Moreover, you also need to assure that you will only use our services for matrimonial purposes; you are not allowed to use this website as a dating platform. You must have to agree that you will follow all the terms and conditions. Whenever Happyjeevansathi.com realizes that you are not eligible to use our services or present wrong information to us, then we can accomplish your membership and/or your authority to use our services without refund the subscription fees.

Security of the users account:

The users must take the liabilities to maintain the confidentiality of their login credentials that they were created during the registration process. If any kind of activity happens under the account, then only the user is responsible for that. Users should inform us as soon as if any exposure or unauthorized use of their account will be occurring and must confirm that at the end of each session they log out from their account.

Term and Termination of the agreement:

This Agreement will be active, valid, and subsist as long as the users use the Site.

Users may end their membership at any time, for any reason by informing us. In that case, when a user terminates the membership, you will not be given any refund of any unutilized subscription fees, if any, paid by them, except the guarantees which are available in the writings.

Happyjeevansathi.com can end the users access to this website or membership or both by sending a notice to the users at their email address for any reason, such as violate of terms of use, using our services for personal or/and commercial purposes, engaging in improper or forbidden communication, or activity. In that matter, if we terminate the user’s membership due to infringement of the terms of this agreement, then the user will not be entitled to any refund of any kind of subscription fees, paid by them.

Paid membership related terms would be consistent with the type of the undertaken membership.

In the case of business discontinuity, we shall refund 50% of the unutilized membership fees paid by the user.

Non-commercial use by the member:

Happyjeevansathi.com is a site that is used for personal purposes to promote their profiles with the intention of generating accepts from suitable matches and cannot be used for any commercial purpose. Any organization, business house, or company cannot become the members of Happyjeevansathi.com and should not use our site for any business purpose. It is strictly prohibited to use this site in any unauthorized or illegal way. If any unauthorized framing or linking of the site has occurred, then proper legal action will be taken.

Other Terms of Use for Members.

Happyjeevansathi.com has the right in its alone consideration to review each activity and status of every single account and can block the access of the members on the basis of those reviews.

Happyjeevansathi.com has the right in its alone consideration to suspend or restrict the free access of the users on the basis of the activities of the members. All the users hereby confirm that as soon as the registration is done, they do not have any objection to receive emails, electronic messages, and calls from us, including SMS permission for authenticating mobile verification wand transactions via OTP sent by the Payment Gateway, until they are members of Happyjeevansathi.com. The permission shall be abolished when the registration is done with the Do Not Disturb/National Customer Preference Register. This compliance prolongs to emails, messages, or calls associates but not restricted to phone number verification, the arrangement of matrimonial advertisements, promotions, and inquiries. One user is not allowed to open multiple profiles on Happyjeevansathi.com. We have the authority to deactivate all multiple profiles without refunding the subscription fees.

All the users must assure us that all the information and content provided by them is absolutely accurate.

Users are firmly advised to submit their Government-authorized identity cards including, Aadhaar Card, Voter Card, PAN card, Passport, Driving License, and many more. Users are not allowed to engage in solicitation of or advertising to other members to sell or buy any services or products through our services, except for the reason of advertising or promoting their own profiles for matchmaking purposes. Any member is not allowed to send any chain letters or junk email to other members of Happyjeevansathi.com. Though we cannot look after the conduct of the members, it is an infraction of the rule that without prior obvious compliance of any other member one can't use any acquired information of them in order to harm, harass, or abuse them. Happyjeevansathi has the right to take proper steps to give protection to Happyjeevansathi.com and its members from any kind of misuse and abuse as it supposes to adequate in its only penetration.

Users are not allowed to use any automated processes, including IRC Bots, CGI, EXE's, or any other different kinds of programs/scripts to see the content or communicate, interact, contact, and respond with Happyjeevansathi.com and its associates. Happyjeevansathi.com has the right to reveal the advertisements and communications that the users may send to other members and also regulate the same thing by removing unwarranted or obscene contents. Advertisement and communications at any time at its only penetration without former notice to any member. Happyjeevansathi.com members are expected to practice general precautions for privacy and safety. When you subscribe with Happyjeevansathi.com and select the services that mean you are unconditionally and irrevocably agree that you have read all terms and conditions carefully and follow those.

Ownership Rights in the Content on Happyjeevansathi.com

Happyjeevansathi.com owns and maintains all proprietary rights in this Site and the services on the site. The Site comprises the copyrighted things, trademarks, and other material/proprietary information of Happyjeevansathi.com, and its associates. Except for that information that is available in the public domain, including member profile or for which permission has been acquired from the user, you cannot modify, copy, transmit, publish, display, distribute, sell, or perform any such ownership information. This type of activity or an effort on the user's portion shall form an infraction of this Agreement and your membership is reason to be concluded immediately by Happyjeevansathi.com without refund of any of the user's unused Subscription fees. Happyjeevansathi.com has the right to take appropriate legal action for any kind of infraction

Content Posted on this website:

Users must understand and accede that Happyjeevansathi.com may remove any list, content, communication, images, or profiles by the only judgment of Happyjeevansathi.com infringe these terms and conditions or something that is invective, illicit, or something that contravene the rights, damage, or vow the safety of Happyjeevansathi.com or/and the members.

Users will not use this website to confine in any form of repression, harassment, or offensive attitude, including but not finite to the posting of chats or any communications, pictures, or recordings that contain defamatory, cynical thoughts, currish or abusive statements, racist comments, pornographic elements, indecent ideas, or offensive language. Comprises, limited or password-only access pages, or hidden pages or images that are not related to this site.

Shows any kind of pornographic or sexually explicit material.

Provides any kind of material or content that exploits people below the age of 18 in a sexual or ferocious manner, or serve any personal information from anyone who is below 18.

Provides imperative information about illicit activities such as creating or purchasing illegal arms, violating the privacy of someone, or giving or forming computer viruses.

Shares passwords or personal recognizable information for commercial or illegal purposes from other members.

Doing any commercial activities and/or sales without our previous written compliance such as conflicts, sweepstakes, and exchanging, advertising, and pyramid plans.

Copyright Policy:

Users cannot post, share, or recreate in any way any copyrighted content, material, trademarks, or other ownership information without the attachment of the formerly written compliance of the proprietor of any proprietary rights.

Without restricting the onward, if the users believe that their activities have been copied and posted on this site's service in a way that forms copyright violation, please provide us with the following information:

An electronic or physical signature of the person for permission to conduct on behalf of the owner of the copyright section.

A description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;

A statement of where the components that the members claim are infringing is remaining on the Site.

User's present or/and permanent address, contact number, and email address.

A written assertion by the users that they have good faith that the argued use is not approved by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law, or by other associates.

An assertion by the users, created under forfeit of perjury, that all the above information provided by the users is exact and that they are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright of the behalf of the owners.

Users Interaction with other Members & Member Arguments:

Only the users are liable for their communications or/and advertisements with other members of Happyjeevansathi.com. We have the right to monitor disputes between our members. Happyjeevansathi.com also has the right to take proper action against the inappropriate actions of the members.


The use of this website or the services providing by the site is controlled by our Privacy Policy and ensure guidelines to protect the users' privacy.

Restriction on Responsibilities:

Happyjeevansathi.com will not take any responsibility of the users or any third party for any imperceptible, compliant, remarkable, accessory, particular or disciplinary losses, including also lost gain arising from the use of the Site or the Happyjeevansathi.com Service, even if our site has been instructed of the probabilities of such losses. Still, anything to the inverse contained herein, Happyjeevansathi.com's responsibilities to the users for any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the form of the action, will at all times be restricted to the amounts which are already paid, if any, by the users to Happyjeevansathi.com, for the Services during the period of membership.

Jurisdiction of the Users:

If any conflict is available or contained in this site or any service or both, then the user must agree that all this kind of disputes will be conducted by the laws of India and shall be to the separate jurisdiction of the compatible courts in India.


If the user agrees to compensation and holds Happyjeevansathi.com, its conducive, section, supervisors, agents, employees, and other associates, completely ensure and harmless from any damages, accountability, demand, claim, such as attorney's fees, made by third parties due to the use of the service in violation of our terms and conditions and/or emerge from breaking of this agreement and/or any violation of the user's delegation and warranties start out and any insidious activity from the user's section.


You must give your consent to use this website accordingly with the following Code of Conduct.

All the users are only liable for any kind of information that they manifest during using this website. Users will keep private and confidential all the information provided to them through this website and will not reveal or give that information to anyone without the consent of the person who provided it to the users. Users will not use this website to violate the property rights, privacy rights, or several civil rights of any person in any form. Users will not use this website to allot, promote or publish any element that is containing any appeal for funds, advertising, or promotion for goods or other websites. All the terms and conditions are applicable for every user and associate of Happy Jeevansathi. While you using or registered yourself with us that means you agree with this agreement. We can modify this agreement according to the requirement and if we any changes in this agreement we will inform you on our official website.


Happyjeevansathi.com is not liable for any kind of improper or inaccurate content or information posted on this website by the users, members, or by any of the element or programming associated with or use in the service, and not for the condiment of any user and/or member of Happyjeevansthi.com service whether offline or online.

Happyjeevansathi.com clearly disclaims any responsibility or encumbrance whatsoever and howsoever generating as a result of any kind of content and information posted on the site by any member or/and any user or/and any third party.

Happyjeevansathi.com does not accept any liability for any kind of fault, delusion, obstacle, omission, delay in any activities, including communication, transmission, destruction, or unauthorized access to, or switching, user and/or member communication with each other and/or with Happyjeevansathi.com.

Happyjeevansathi.com will not take any liabilities under any circumstances for any kind of harm or loss in consequence of the use of the site or/and the services by anybody and/or any content that is posted on the site or sent to the members by third parties. Our users or members are advised not to provide any financial information, including credit card details, debit card details, or any other banking information to other members or any third party.

Happyjeevansathi.com provides "AS-IS" and we clearly disclaim any warranty of suitability for a particular objective or non-breach. We do not give any commitment to any specific results from the use of our site and our services. Users and members must understand that we do not give any guaranty, including implied or disclose, regarding compatibility with any individual with whom our users or members meet through our services.